Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Tutorial 7 will be based on making links to online blogs related to occupational therapy practice, and making the link to fellow students blogs.

I have made links shown on the right of my blog page to the Travel Blog, NZAOT (New Zealand Association of Occupational Therapists, The Hamilton Connection (Hilary's blog), Google, and the 2011 Participation in Occupation Course Blog.

I have also made links to fellow OT students, Milly, Alex, and Paula and Yasmin as followers.
An interesting youtube clip was posted on The Hamilton Connection blog, this is an example of a conversation between myself and hilary on her blog using the snipping tool:

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Tutorial six is going to be based around the internet and online communities of personal occupation and interest. The three online communities I have researched are:

The purpose of this social networking site is to allow individuals to meet and socialise with anyone around the world through the internet. It is a good way to keep in contact with friends, family and others overseas or in the same country. Photos and videos can be uploaded and shared and comments and status's can be pasted onto the individuals personal page. Facebook provides the right to have privacy. For example, you are able to change your privacy settings so that anybody can see your page or so that only your friends can view your page. Privacy is an important service to have on facebook as many people want to avoid any negativity on their page.

Twitter is similar to facebook in the way of keeping up to date with your friends and writing status's etc. Difference is, on twitter there is no adding or declining a person, anyone can view your twitter account. This is good for individuals that want to keep up with their favorite celebrity or industry peer. People 'tweet' their feelings or things that are happening at that point in time. The site is very interactive as you can view basically anybody's twitter page and be updated in just seconds! It is the best way to share and discover what is happening right now.

Here is an example of the types of topics (status's) that are discussed/said on twitter:

Top Tweets View all

Second life is an online 3D virtual world where users can socialise, customise a person, connect and create using free voice and texts, and travel away to your favorite destinations. It is another way of socialising but with fake made up people. People enjoy taking part in second life because it fosters a sense of community and allows you to experience other types of experiences for example, schizophrenia. Some people seek fun and entertainment but others may seek a sense of self worth and can make them feel better about themselves being able to choose how their (virtual world life) goes.

"When you enter second life for the first time, you will start on welcome island. This area is designed to quickly teach you the basics of second life including walking, zooming with your camera, chatting, standing, sitting, flying and teleporting. Along the way you will be rewarded with entertaining surprises" (Second life website, n.d.).

Here is an example of the types of things you can do on Second life:

Community in Second Life

Connect with Friends and Meet New People
In Second Life, there's always someone to talk to, dance with, learn from or perhaps even love. You can meet people all over the world without ever leaving your home. And here, there's no jet lag and the clubs are always open.


BuisnessDictionary.com (2011) defines ethical issues as, "problem or situation which requires a person or organisation to choose between alternatives that must be evaluated as right (ethical) or wrong (unethical).
Here is a link to an interesting online article about the ethical issues included in second life in the past including copyright infringement, spamming, and using multiple identities.

Ethical issues that relate to facebook is mainly focused on privacy. Social networking sites such as Facebook share information about the user over the internet, where it can be freely accessed by anyone. This is where issues of privacy to the individual arise. Facebook has 11 Social & Ethical Issues of Information Systems specific to facebook.

Twitter is a reasonably safe social network to be a part of. Here is a link to a website on twitter ethical dilemmas that may occur. Something to think about.

We all love real life geographical communities like our local community, neighbourhood or suburb. But online communities are increasingly getting better. People are communicating through internet just as much as face to face. Although these virtual communities can become 'addictive' they are a great way of communicating and provide a simple way of getting through to others.

Online communities do have some downfalls. For example, even though we can put a smiley face or sad face on our facebook comments and write what we think, it can still very easily come across the wrong way to the person reading it. This is something that lets communicating online down as you are not having that actual contact with the person and can not see facial expressions etc like traditional communities do.


BuisnessDictionary.com. (2011). What is ethical issues? Retrieved March 23, 2011 from: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/ethical-issue.html
Second life website. (n.d.). What is second life? Retrieved March 23, 2011 from: http://secondlife.com/whatis/?lang=en-US
Tutorial five - Video Production Sessions
"A virtual community or online community is a group of people that may or may not primarily or initially communicate or interact via the internet. online communities have also become a supplemental form of communication between people who know each other in real life" (Community and virtual community information, 2007).

YouTube is a place where you can share, upload and view YouTube clips from around the world all by just typing YouTube into your computer.  It provides a forum for individuals to upload videos of almost anything that isn't offensive. Although this is hard to control. YouTube is used to upload video blogs, personal recordings, teaching sessions, anything you desire really! Some YouTube clips become huge phenomenons which gain millions and millions of views and often reach the news or the paper.

Occupational therapists work with many different people and many different disabilities. Here is a very inspirational video from YouTube about Dick and Rick Hoyt. The father competes with his son in a triathlon because his handicapped son has told him that he feels free when he is with him like he is doing the same thing so the father actually hauls him along. This is very special and any O.T would just love this!


Here is another YouTube clip about a quadriplegic sufferer speaking to Occupational Therapy students about his limitations, positive and negative areas etc and how we as O.T students can help them with compensatory techniques:


This next video provides an outlook of Quadriplegia and the speaker notes how occupational therapy helps him to learn how to dress and do activities of daily living (ADL'S), and how he can get back to as best as possible he quotes "you can't go south because these people are holding you up":


"Sensory integration refers to how people use the information provided by all the sensations coming from within the body and from the external environment" (FamilyEducation, 2011). Here is a YouTube video of how occupational therapy can help children with sensory integration and sensory processing disorders:


The last video i have for you is a child with autism named Nik dancing on stage to Michael Jackson. Who said people with autism cant dance?? Occupational therapists will love this video as he is living life as normally as possible and is not afraid to do what he enjoys!



Community and virtual community information. Retrieved March 23rd 2011 from: www.wikipedia/virtualcommunity

FamilyEducation. (2011). What is Sensory Integration? Retrieved march 23rd 2011 from:  http://school.familyeducation.com/sensory-integration/parenting/56288.html

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

This blog post will be based around video production sessions.
We were set a task of making a 30second movie with a theme of what is the letter? Storyboarding was used by cutting and editing sections of the video.
Here is the short video:

The letter was T :)
Tutorial 3 consisted of editing my blog, creating a google account, and uploading photos onto my flickr account :)

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Tutorial 2: The focus of this post is to show an understanding of digital image capturing, storage and distribution of digital still images.

There are many types of technologies around us that we incorporate into our daily lives. Hardware and software i am familiar with are: Cellphones, Digital cameras/video cameras, ipod's, laptops, anti-virus cd-roms for computers, computer games, photoshop, photo editing pages, microsoft office programmes for example, word, publisher, excel. Hardware such as, usb and hard drives are used commonly in everyday life for saving and storing information.

Digital imaging can provide information for people all over the world through the use of the internet. Sites such as, Facebook, Flickr and Myspace are all types of social networking information technology that provides photographs, video recordings and voice over podcasts for any individual. Online learning, for example, studying by correspondence is very dependable on online digital imaging for information, especially for visual learners.

Here are some sites that use digital imaging:
- http://www.facebook.com/
- http://moodle.op.ac.nz/
- http://www.youtube.com/

"A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature"

Digital camera's are more efficient and time manageable than traditional film camera's as you can view the picture (digital image) you took straight away. There are many settings on a modern day digital camera which make for an exciting photograph such as: zoom, flash, video recording, timer, computer connection, memory stick, red eye reduction, brightness/darkness measures, focus, optical zoom + digital zoom, mega pixel, playback option for videos, and many more depending on the complexity of the camera. Traditional film based camera's are very different in the way of technology. As it is not an option to view your photograph before printing on a film based camera you have to wait until you have got the film developed to view them. A plus of having a film based camera is that photos are often quite beautiful in the way of capturing the essence of a moment. They tend to look more "old" looking and work better with dark room photography.

Here is a youtube clip to show the difference between digital vs film.

Capturing images and the use of information technology can sometimes be unsafe. Ethical issues such as person permission, ownership rights, informed consent, copyright and privacy issues should be addressed or taken into consideration when using photographs or others or editing photos.

Occupational Therapy practice is now more commonly using digital imaging as a tool to show client progress. Photography is also used to show housing modifications or areas where this may need to happen.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

This post relates to tutorial one and will talk about Information Technology and Ethical Issues.

According to (eHow, 2011), a definition of Information Technology is; "The study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware". Personally I view Information Technology as a type of engineering relating to computers and telecommunication to gain information which is continuously progressing.

Technology is a large part of our society and is involved in our daily lives in some way, whether it be using your cellphone, sending an email or using a piece of machinery. An example of IT being used for medical health care resulting in reduced costs is shown in this YouTube clip:

As i have been bought up around alot of technology, I feel i am comfortable using basic IT technology such as, cellphones, computers, laptops, hard drives. Technology can be very frustrating at times but i feel it is always developing and is always improving with companies developing new technologies for society to experience.

Technology has lead to changes in the way we live and as Occupational Therapist's we aim to use technology that is most relevant and up to date for the best possible outcome. IT is used in many medical professions including Occupational Therapy. O.T offices use IT to keep records of clients and for important information at easy access. Hospitals also have Medical/Hospital databases that hold client information. IT can be used as a treatment tool or enabling agent although ethical issues need to be considered when using IT around clients. For example, A professional needs to be aware when talking/using clients information or writing notes as they are able to ask to view the documents. Also, OT's commonly use computer games or phones to engage clients.

IT related equipment is frequently used in Occupational Therapy. This allows clients to become more independent in their rehab. This very interesting YouTube clip shows the use of IT (Mobile technology) in Occupational Therapy practice: This is a great way to reduce exclusion of disabled people and improve their Occupational performance.  

Ethical implications are an area to consider when using IT. Informed consent and permission are important when copying/sharing photos, mobile phone numbers or others personal information. Also information on websites is not always trustworthy so it is always a good idea to check the validity.

(Investorwords.com, 2011) defines intellectual property as; "Any intangible asset that consists of human knowledge and ideas. Some examples are patents, copyrights, trademarks and software"
Personally i would define Intellectual Property as your own personal knowledge, idea's or IQ. An example of how intellectual property and I.T are shown/experienced in O.T practice is on my 4 week placement i experienced writing a lot of client notes about what we saw/observed with my supervisor which were then added into the computer database for that specific client.  

"Social Justice is a form of Justice that improves the social life or freedom and living to people" (Dictionary.com, 2011).  I would describe social justice as fair treatment between people. A consideration of social justice and I.T in O.T practice could be using a hoist to move somebody safely.

WordiQ.com, (2010) defines informed consent as, "A legal condition whereby a person can be said to have given consent based upon a full appreciation and understanding of the facts and implications of any actions, with the individual being in position of all his faculties". My personal definition of informed consent is, Giving consent or granting permission knowing the full implications and risks involved in a certain situation. An example of a consideration of informed consent and IT in OT Practice is, accepting terms and conditions of doing an online test. Informed consent from the client/individual is necessary for the Occupational Therapist to gain for ethical reasons.  

APA Reference list:

Dictionary.com. (2011). Social Justice. Retrieved March, 3, 2011 from: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/social+justice

eHow. (2011). What is the definition of information technology? Retrieved March, 2, 2011 from:  http://www.ehow.com/about_4689779_what-definition-information-technology.html

Investorwords.com. (2011). Intellectual Property. Retrieved March, 2, 2011 from: http://www.investorwords.com/2526/intellectual_property.html

WordiQ.com. (2010). Informed Consent. Retrieved 03 March 2011 from: http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Informed_consent 


Originally uploaded by Pinny6


Originally uploaded by Pinny6


Originally uploaded by Pinny6


Originally uploaded by Pinny6

Waihi beach

Waihi beach
Originally uploaded by Pinny6

Opito bay

Opito bay
Originally uploaded by Pinny6


Hello blog world.
My blog for my participation in occupation paper is now up and running for you to view and comment on. My future posts will be posted weekly referring to my tutorial worksheets.